Help us continue to assist communities throughout Virginia!

Since our inception in 1988 through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, CDAC has assisted approximately 200 communities and employed more than 250 students on more than 370 jobs. We have come a long way in 25 years from our first landscape architecture projects to the variety of landscape architecture, architecture, planning, and interior design projects and outreach work we currently do. Our work has helped leverage over $5,000,000 in support for the communities we serve. This includes over 1,000,000 people in 200 towns, cities, counties, and small unincorporated communities across the Commonwealth.
Donations help make it possible to continue our great work in communities even in an environment of declining government funding of state agencies. To help ensure that the communities which rely on our support can continue to receive that support, we are working to build an endowment to augment our yearly operating budget.
Please help us continue to assist the communities of Virginia with your generous donation.