Work With Us

CDAC assists communities, civic groups, and nonprofit organizations throughout Virginia in improving their natural and built environments through research, community engagement, and interdisciplinary design. We provide opportunities for students to engage with communities, connecting university knowledge with real world experience.
CDAC employs students to prepare conceptual designs for public and non-profit organizations. See the link below to access a fillable PDF of the application. CDAC’s project fees are cost-recovery and typcially include administrative oversight, student wages, material, travel, and university overhead. The cost for any given project can be provided after an initial site visit, for which there is no charge. Please note that CDAC provides conceptual level work. Therefore we do not prepare construction drawings or cost estimates for construction. Applications will be reviewed to determine whether the proposed project is keeping with the Design Center’s mission.
Complete the form and send it to CDAC. Applications can be mailed, emailed, or dropped off at the CDAC office:
Mailing Address:101 South Main Street Suite 2, Blacksburg, VA 24060
Note: You can complete, save, and email this form from Adobe Reader which is available for download here. Alternatively, you can print the form, complete it, and then email the form to us. If you have questions, please call the Director at 540-231-5644.
Current Faculty/Staff or Wage Job Openings
There are no openings at this time.
Student Employment
Students are hired on a project by project basis. Students will be interviewed after their application is received and the Design Center has projects lined up.
Please e-mail your application, resume, and portfolio to Elizabeth Gilboy, CDAC Director, at